307 - The Release Valve of Meaningful Work

We live in a culture that glorifies retirement. So much so that it causes us to tolerate crappy (but good paying) work, hoard as much money as possible, and race to an earlier-the-better finish line we like to call retirement. That’s a lot of pressure! Oh yeah, and it can also be void of meaning and fulfillment along the way. Instead of living a life where we grind, grind, and grind so that one day we can “enjoy life,” we think you deserve better. In today’s episode, host Travis Shelton discusses a different way to perceive and navigate work, retirement, and the journey. There’s an option on the table to live a meaningful life today, tomorrow, and down the road. 

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308 - Misplaced Trust: More Examples of Our Crappy (and Destructive) Investment Epidemic


306 - Simple Steps to Set Up A Taxable Investment Account: It’s Easier Than You Think!