308 - Misplaced Trust: More Examples of Our Crappy (and Destructive) Investment Epidemic

Since aggressively launching into the topic of investing, listeners have been coming out of the woodwork with their own stories. In today’s episode, host Travis Shelton shares examples from two of his friends who recently realized they were sold a terrible bill of goods. They trusted their investment professionals, only to be overcharged and underdelivered. However, there’s a silver lining. When we take a look in the mirror and face the issue head-on, it’s the beginning of a much brighter future. This isn’t about being smart or dumb (both of these people are brilliant in their own right). Rather, it’s about being aware, knowing what to expect, and demanding a better outcome. 

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309 - Are You Choosing Your Image Over Your Family?


307 - The Release Valve of Meaningful Work